
Hi I'm Jill and I'm married to MarkT. I have 3 grown up sons and 3 small grandaughters. I was a dressmaker for around 25 years in my former life. Now I work on the main reception in a private hospital and enjoy a bit more free time.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

3 good things!

Oh hooray the old bathroom is no more! It's gone, vanished, leaving behind bare boards and walls in ruins. But no matter, John the FB (friendly builder) will do his magic and give us a sparkling new one within the week! At the moment the NEW ONE is sitting in the conservatory looking less than elegant, but soon it will be INSTALLED. No more leaks or clouds of steam leaving sneaky patches of mildew, yuk!

Another good thing this week was a night out with the girls last Saturday, we always have a great time at our favourite Chinese, and Saturday was no exception! One dear friend had such a good time she fell off her chair, need say more ? !! Okay so Kevs definately not one of the girls but he is lovely, and he'd never been on one of our nights so we let him come along! They truly are the best bunch of friends and I love them to bits.. And of course the best thing of all was seeing my darling Maisie. They came over on Sunday and we spent a lovely long relaxing day chatting and catching up with all the news while Maisie played happily and got the most cuddles ever. She's almost 1 year old and has the sweetest nature and a real sense of fun


  • At 6:18 pm, March 16, 2006, Blogger Gary said…

    Hi Jill,
    thank you so much for listening to my songs and for your comments. Happy birthday for you (In May), Pete Townshend is a Taurus too, we are in good company.

    Hope you are enjoying the new house. I'm working at home today. I had been sleeping on the better (but smaller queen bed) in the spare room for a couple of weeks and my back was actually on the mend. Wouldn't you know it, I moved back into the master bedroom Friday and by yesterday afternoon I was writhing in pain in my chair at work, so, I think we have isolated a potential cause to our old uncomfortable bed. So, today I'm taking 800mb ibuprofins and am taking lots of stretch breaks while I setup a St Patricks Day sale on our web site. It's wonderful that I can do this without interruption, with The Who blaring all from home.. :-)

    Hope Mark is doing well and that you keep on him to practice the guitar, persistence pays off as we Taureans say. Happy St. Patricks Day.


  • At 10:35 pm, March 16, 2006, Blogger Marietta Zervou said…

    Hi Jill,

    Thanks for your sweet comment, it feels great to read kind words when you're feeling down.

    Things are getting better, at least my moral is uplifted little by little, thanks to my mommy coming next Tue and my endless hours of work. I've no time to sneeze! And I got a commendation too!!! Music helped me a lot as well - Rachel and Pete are the best healers!!!

    Hope I see you in a Who do soon!!!!


    P.S.: very funny word verification: ladkea: the Ikea for lads! LOL

  • At 9:40 pm, March 21, 2006, Blogger Marietta Zervou said…

    Please come to the chat tomorrow!!!!
    At least for a hello...

    Special guest star: my mom!

    She doesn't speak a word of english!



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