
Hi I'm Jill and I'm married to MarkT. I have 3 grown up sons and 3 small grandaughters. I was a dressmaker for around 25 years in my former life. Now I work on the main reception in a private hospital and enjoy a bit more free time.

Saturday, October 29, 2005


Well now, what a busy day.......here there and everywhere, a day full of surprises! Went for the said contact lens tests, it was so funny..... i had to put my chin on this little chin shelf.... but, bit of a problem... short neck and big boobs = can't get near the stupid thing, it gave me a fit of the giggles and that set the nice optician man off too. In the end i had to hang on to the sides and stretch my poor little neck as far as possible, squashing boobs and not being able to breathe! Anyway it turns out I'm suitable for lenses, thank god, I don't fancy doing it again.. I had some pictures of my georgeous grandaughter today, she'll be 2 next week and is very sweet. Enough, it's very late and I have an early start to another busy day


  • At 12:11 am, October 31, 2005, Blogger Fleur de Bee said…

    Post the pics!!! I would love to see them! That is how old my daughter is..well 2.5 anyway.

    I just got done sewing her costume yesterday for her Ballet Halloween carnival. It turned out beautiful, however she is so tiny and I needed to do something in the back. SO I made it have laces up the back, kind of like a corset. I forgot to hide the stitching around the ribbons and I could have put fake gemstones on it that day but no time, it will have to be done Monday. Got to the Carnival...lots of compliments and then one lady reminded me that Alexis needed some fake gems or something to cover up the stitches. Gee, thanks lady that was rude of you, I thought. She said she has lots of experience in this (as do I making costumes for ballet and being an interior designer now) so as I glanced over to check out her child I had to leave the room from laughing. There was her daughter dressed up as a princess too. The costume was 2 sizes to large. Very HUGE and only held together with a LARGE safety pin in the back, very exposed. So needless to say I didn't let her comment ruin my day after seeing that!

    Thought I would give another seamstress a giggle! Have a great start of your week Jill!!


    12:09 AM

  • At 8:26 am, October 31, 2005, Blogger jillytee said…

    Thanks for the comment,isn't it always the the way! I have made hundreds of costumes in my time,and slaved hours into the night to get them right, only to have some glib comment from a mother who can't even thread a needle!!!
    I always used to say that the worst possible things a prospective client could say to me when describing the garment they wanted were; I want something really simple ..... I don't want anything fussy....(you just knew it was going to take forever)
    or even worse; It won't take you very long....or worst of all I could do it myself, it's really easy but......
    BUT WHAT!!!!!???
    All guaranteed to produce an extra large bill(you just knew it was going to take forever) and the last one would never get to my workroom!
    A bride would often say ''I know exactly what I want''. I would tell her to take her best friend and spend a day in town trying on dresses of all styles, and then if she found the perfect dress to buy it. I never wanted to make something that could be bought, I was better not cheaper!
    Anyways I'll post the pics tonight
    and hope we'll be seeing Alexis' costume on your blog soon.
    JT x


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