
Hi I'm Jill and I'm married to MarkT. I have 3 grown up sons and 3 small grandaughters. I was a dressmaker for around 25 years in my former life. Now I work on the main reception in a private hospital and enjoy a bit more free time.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Another amazingly wet and windy day here........ spent the morning tidying my office stuff, it was getting just too awful.... out for 2 jobs this afternoon. Will be watching enders in a mo, love it..


  • At 5:17 pm, October 26, 2005, Blogger Fleur de Bee said…

    Thanks Jill for stopping by. Want to come clean MY office? Funny thing is I have a guy who cleans for me...BUT he can't speak English and we end up drawing pictures...it is nuts. Now I bought some CD's to re-learn his language better (Spanish - I am only 1/2 fluient lol) and now he tells me he speaks Portuguese!

    Thought I would make you giggle more!

    Take care and come chat with us in my room during the show if you can.


  • At 5:54 pm, October 26, 2005, Blogger Kid Ric said…

    Hello Jill,
    A clean office is a good thing. After you finish Molly's office mine could use a bit of tidying.:) How about it can I be next?

  • At 11:12 am, October 27, 2005, Blogger Marietta Zervou said…

    Hi Jill!

    Thanks for posting on my blog.
    How much did you miss last night?
    It was an excellent show!

    I'm sure Rachel will put it on loop!

    I'm actually at work and if I get caught blogging it's sayonara Marietta... Then I will rally need my kimono, lol.

    Nice meeting you at the Bedford!
    I'll cherish the memory of that night forever

    Take care


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